Basic Level Blocking

Basic Level Blocking

This week in development... not much happened. Trash Bucket in terms of level size is quite small and it only took Monday to get the basic blocks that fill out the map done. Then on the same day, I created all the cameras needed for each room and area and the transitions between them. This process was more involved than I expected because Cinemachine has replaced virtual cameras, and I wanted to create my game on the newest build to learn how it works. After a bit of a learning curve and setting up scripts to make my cameras transition between each other it was complete. These were done using hitboxes that change the priority of cameras on a collision.

Map block out based on what was drawn in my game concept

Then the big two roadblocks of the week happened, work and KIT107, between 30 hours of work and the hardest programming assignment I've ever had to do I did not have the time to continue Trash Bucket this week. At least this week was very minor in terms of required development. With the game having a small map and simple movement the major priority is enemies and gameplay. The development for this will begin next week and I will have a lot more hours allotted to KIT109 to make this work. Making sure dodging enemy projectiles feels right is the biggest priority for the game and will be something I will have to continue to polish throughout development.

A very compressed gif of camera transitions between areas, 3mb is a small limit

Next week I will also perform my first game tests with students. I should have been doing these already, but I had not been reading the CRA and assumed these weren't necessary and just something students were doing to get feedback. They should be a noted section in all future devlogs.

Thank you for reading this short week of development

- Sam Geoghegan

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